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14 Jun 2025

Ventilation benefits: How healthy is your home? 


All homes, new or old need to have good ventilation for healthy living. Our day to day living, like cooking, showering, doing the laundry—even our breathing itself—creates moisture that needs to be flushed out along with any pollutants and irritants. 

New Zealand. She’s pretty damp - Our humidity can fluctuate between 40%-80% every day. 

Constant change. Constant headaches - Our weather changes drastically, causing sudden increases in humidity and condensation. 

Poor housing design. Poor health - Far too many Kiwi homes still have inadequate insulation and poor ventilation. 

Airtight homes - With houses becoming more airtight and closed up, excessive moisture is created inside that lead to mould and mildew growth. 

Identify your ventilation hazards - Even the best-designed homes can suffer from poor ventilation in areas - check to see if you've got any of these issues. 

Ventilation issues you may have in your home

  • Unventilated bathrooms or kitchen. Showering and cooking create humidity and encourage mould growth. 

  • Dryer exhaust - Is your dryer vented to the outside? Or pumping moisture into the home? 

  • Damp basement - Cold, windowless basements are perfect breeding grounds for mould and mildew. 

  • Cleaning products - Many cleaning products contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs), make sure you follow instructions and keep them properly sealed. 

  • Hot attic - A hot, humid attic can damage your roof and trap heat and act like a blanket covering your home. This can make your hvac system work harder than it needs to.  

  • Furniture and floors - Gases released from furniture foam and floors can emit VOCS such as formaldehyde. 

  • Streaming windows - A sure sign there’s too much moisture in your home. 

  • Candles and incense - They may smell nice, but they fill your home with unhealthy particles. 

  • New homes - The fresh paint, varnishes and materials in a new home may release chemicals or VOCS. 

What Hometech can offer you!

Hometech will provide you with all ventilation systems that can make your home drier and healthier by reducing mould, mildew, and dampness. Proper ventilation helps improve indoor air quality and prevents moisture buildup that can lead to these issues. Contact us to find the best solution for your home and enjoy a fresher, healthier living environment. 


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