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17 May 2024

5 tips to create the perfect home office

Do you work from home? Since the pandemic struck most companies have a few days where you can work from home. Whilst it might sound like the perfect time to stay with your laptop in bed and work in your pyjamas all day, this is definitely not the best way to be productive.

Below we have put together five tips to help create a work space that will make you jump out of bed and stay focused all day (hopefully!).


Have a dedicated work space

We understand that this may not always be possible, and it might be even harder during the circumstances we’re in when you may have your children at home with you. But it is important to at least try, if possible, to create a dedicated space for work. Maybe it is just a corner with a chair and a desk, but decide that that is your work space and be consistent with it. This will not only minimise distractions from your non-work everyday life, but also create a mental note for your brain that when you are there you need to work and nothing else.

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Get comfortable

When we say get comfortable we don’t mean that you should work from bed! But rather work in a position that is comfortable for your body, long-term. Read up on ergonomics and if you can, invest in an ergonomic desk chair. Whilst you might not be able to get your hands on one of those right now, there are still things you can do to ensure a good working position such as;

  • Move your chair close to the work desk to avoid leaning or reaching
  • Keep your screen at (but not above) eye level
  • Keep elbows at a 90 degree angle
  • Ensure your chair has a good back rest so you don’t slouch

This will not only minimise strain and body aches, but it will also help prevent fatigue and improve efficiency.

Get the lighting right

Study after study has shown how important natural light is for productivity and staying focused. And so, if you can, ensure that your dedicated work space has plenty of it.

Windows can be a good solution, however with windows comes the issues of heat and glaring light (how annoying is it when you try to work and you can barely see your screen?!), and, let’s face it, not every space that is away from the living area (as recommended by our first point) will have the biggest windows nearby, so an alternative can be a skylight above your office space.

Our sister company Solatube installs daylighting systems that let in maximum light without causing the space to be glary, and its advanced technology makes sure that it only brings in the right light and minimum heat. And even though you cannot have it installed during the lockdown period, you can still get a quote or discuss your requirements with their friendly customer care team (you can contact them here.)

Get some green

Exposure to greenery and nature has been proved to not only increase happiness and productivity, but also to reduce stress (and we could all need a bit of that right now!) – so make sure you have some trees or bushes in sight. If your home office as beforementioned doesn’t have windows nearby – invest in some plants. Plants are not only pretty, but they also have a calming effect. Plants are also multipurpose in the sense that they act like air purifiers that absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen, which leads us to the next point:


Breathe easy

Such a small thing that many people take for granted but seriously; proper ventilation and fresh air is a productivity booster like no other. Stale air can make the room feel humid and stuffy, making it harder to focus.

If your office does have windows, remember to open them and possibly the door too, to make sure you get some fresh air in so your brain doesn’t turn to mush. When this sometimes may be impractical (like when the neighbour’s dog is barking non-stop next door or the rain is pouring down) – consider installing a home ventilation system. It has a tremendous effect in keeping you healthy, and staying alert. Here at Hometech we have a range of different ventilation systems that can help circulate your home office, and whole house, with clean, fresh air.

Regardless if you’re looking for a temporary solution, or if you are working at home permanently, make sure that you do everything you can to get the most out of your working hours. Following the tips above is a great start!

Our team is available on 0800 466 383 and email if you want to get a quote or have an obligation-free chat.